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Practical example of ILM's LAMA shading network in Renderman
RenderMan Fundamentals LamaLayer
Peeling Back the Layers - ILM’s MaterialX Lama | RenderMan Art & Science Fair 2021
Renderman 24 MaterialX Lama Introduction Tutorial [Maya]
LAMA materials in Renderman and Houdini + FREE SOURCE FILES
Pixar's Renderman in Houdini - An Introduction | XPU - Lama - RfH
Grooming and Shading Long Hair with Pixar's Lama Shader
Lama - A Better System for Layered Shading | RenderMan Art & Science Fair 2020
RenderMan Stylized Looks in Houdini - Part 6 – Hatching Value and Lighting
Lama for Renderman 24 - Maya and Katana
Making Art with Soul | The Latest from Pixar's RenderMan
Art & Science Fair Keynote Presentation | RenderMan Art & Science Fair 2021